The California Primary Care Association’s Community Health Center (CHC) Residency Road Map is paving the way for community-based graduate medical education in California’s CHCs. Our federal and state advocacy efforts to increase graduate medical education funding coupled with our online and in-person educational offerings are positioning CHCs as leaders in physician resident training.
CHCs are ideal training sites for physician residents, especially those dedicated to serving underserved communities and disadvantaged areas of the state. They provide valuable training opportunities that expose residents to community-based primary care and population health management and increase the likelihood that fully licensed providers will stay in that community to serve. Recognizing the critical role CHCs play in training residents and addressing the severe physician shortage, CPCA’s CHC Residency Road Map strives to:
- Develop comprehensive trainings and resources for CHCs desiring to implement or sustain residency training programs or partnerships;
- Increase the number of new CHC residency partnerships and accredited programs to expand primary care GME in California; and
- Strengthen and sustain existing CHC residency partnerships and accredited programs to maximize ongoing efforts that train primary care residents in community-based settings and underserved areas.
CPCA developed a number of different resources to meet these goals.